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We are Kevin and Paula, living full time in our Jayco Silverline caravan since February 2021. As full timers living, off-grid was important to us, so we could visit remote locations and also keep costs to a minimum. It made sense to review our solar system and upgrade it to enable our lifestyle choice.

Kevin, aka "Gadget Man" has always been a keen DIYer , and having completed an electronics engineering qualification back in the 80's decided we would build the system ourselves. The rest is history and PVTECHRV Service & Repairs was born, and we now have a very reliable, high performance solar system in our home on wheels. We have been running on natural power for most of the year with only a handful of days on power when the weather has been really nasty. We lack for nothing in the way of creature comforts due to our Victron 3000W inverter, 400Ah Lithium batteries and 740W of monocrystalline solar modules.

Kevin completed the Ross Lukeman Van Power Masterclass course earlier this year, keeping himself up-to-date with the latest developments in the mobile solar power industry. Our philosophy is to keep systems simple following the KISS principle, to provide robust, reliable systems that simply work. Anyone can design and install a complicated system, but they tend to be expensive and unreliable in the long run.


Our goal is to educate and help our customers understand how it all works, so you get the most out of your system and provide the power you need. From repairs, upgrades, new installations, thermal imaging and annual inspections and other related services, we provide a professional, comprehensive mobile service. 


So whether you're a "weekend warrior", "summertime wanderer" or "full-time RV'er", PVTECHRV Solar & Repairs can create a system for your needs and budget.

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